Module 2: The Prelude to Relationships

Hey! Awesome you're moving right along. You're doing great so far, keep up the great job! In this module we are going to be taking a few actionable steps. Start reading the chapter first before you do these exercises, however if you want to plan ahead you can go ahead and download the resources included further down in this lesson.

I did want to make sure you knew where all your settings and options were. In the picture below, the red arrow at the top is your settings. You can turn on and off your autoplay (which I would recommend), and other settings. The red arrow to the bottom left is where the course curriculum is, and you can click on any one of the modules to move forward or back in the lesson. The yellow arrow is also how you can move forward or backwards between modules.

Check out the short video below just to make sure you're alright with the the course, and how it flows.


Chapter 2 is the Prelude and sets up some basic things to establish at any point in a relationship. If you are looking to get into a new relationship, these are great for preparation. If you're already in a relationship, they are great refresher points. Here are some key points to remember and take away from this chapter.

  • put everything on the table
  • be real and don't lie
  • keep questionable things about your past to yourself (that won't impact the relationship)
  • take a person at their word
  • don't think you can change them


In light of the steps mentioned above, here are actionable steps I want you to take after recognizing the points above.

  • set up a date to have a discussion with your mate.
  • write down your flaws you know about, and at least 3 things you know you can improve or work on.
  • Read both blog posts in the bonus material section under links.


Download the Prelude to Relationship Worksheet and complete the steps. Download the QRA Tool Worksheet and go through the steps. Click below the bullets to download the worksheets and infographics.

  • figure out what category you're in (dating or committed)
  • if dating, get everything out on the table (Read blog post: How to Say What you Want without coming on too strong)
  • if committed, have a QRA (download the QRA Tool Worksheet)
  • Read the blog post: The QRA (Quarterly Relationship Assessment)
  • quick checklist download: How to say what you want without coming on too strong
  1. QRA Tool Worksheet
  2. Quick Checklist Download: Coming on Too Strong
  3. The Prelude to Relationship Worksheet


coming strong infographic.pdf
QRA (1).pdf
Prelude to Relationships Worksheet.pdf

If you don't have access to a printer, that's totally cool and you can just write it down on a sheet of paper, or like me, I have a Galaxy Note 5, so there is a note function and an S pen there. You could even do that. As long as you get the information down you're okay, and you can always come back to this course material and pull it back up. The worksheets are pretty self-explanatory (in my mind lol) but If you need any guidance on how to fill out these forms, just leave me a comment in the comments section and I'll help you there.


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